May 2013: Theme/ Thesis Workshop Jump-Starts Section Value Propositions
It is no revelation that constructing compelling section value propositions (a.k.a. ‘themes’ or ‘thesis statements’) is a very...
April 2013: Streamlining BOE Development With Proposal Navigator®
I'm sure you've seen the Basis Of Estimate (BOE) development portion of a proposal often take 25% or more of the entire proposal...
March 2013: Successful Proposal Execution With Less Experienced Leadership And Teams
Today's shrinking B&P budgets and the need to do more with less is driving companies more toward in-house personnel and away from...
February 2013: Shrinking The "Final" DRFP to Pink Team Timeline By ~2 Weeks: Benchmark
Years of experience tells us that one of the very time- and resource-consuming periods in proposal development is getting to the Pink...
January 2013: The System Integration Revolution in Proposal Development and Management
2012 COMMERCIAL LAUNCH OF PROPOSAL NAVIGATOR® In 2012, after more than four years of development, Black Dog Technology LLC's...
December 2012: Conquering The Challenge Of Severe Page Limitations In Today’s RFPs
I’m sure you’ve noticed over the past several years how customers have been moving more toward severely page limited proposal...
November 2012: Proposal Navigator® Enables Late Start to Delivery Ready in 9 Weeks
Using Proposal Navigator® (pat. pend.), I’ve recently managed a quick-reaction development of a complex multi-$100M proposal. It...
October 2012: “Boiler Room” Provides Intense, Rapid Proposal Improvement and Integration
A critical aspect of proposal maturity is maintaining forward progress in the usual several weeks between formal reviews (e.g. Pink to...
September 2012: Proposal Integration Workshops Ensure Early Storyline Cohesion
Integrating the storyline after the proposal is mostly written is like inspecting quality into a finished product—neither works very...
August 2012: Proposal Architecture Workshop Saves Days of Schedule
One of the most time-consuming and costly proposal sub-processes is the development and organization of writers’ initial source materials...