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September 2016: An Attorney’s Perspective On Proposal Keyword Analytics

We all know when it comes to proposals, we must convincingly prove our case with the evaluators. At a minimum, we must cover each required compliance element or risk being easily eliminated for simple noncompliance. We also want to have tangible keywords in our proposal that the evaluators can “hang their hats on,” making it easier for them to point to and show the substantiation for our award. While we understand that the mere inclusion of keywords is insufficient to win, it is better to argue from a position of strength (where keywords at least provide pointers for evaluators) versus a position of weakness (missing keywords, where evaluators must hunt for the answer). “Green” compliance keywords typically include e.g., Section L items, and CDRL and SOW paragraph numbers. “Blue” keywords certainly include Section M evaluation criteria and may also include items such as customer “Must Have” terms. Using Proposal Navigator®’s keyword search utility, we can perform in minutes the required analysis on our proposal documents. Output formats for our review provide sentence context, page and line number where all keywords are found (or not), so we may quickly make targeted corrections. Black Dog Technology LLC's innovative processes and Proposal Navigator® toolsuite efficiencies add significant productive work days to your constrained proposal development timelines. Contact us for your capture/proposal support needs or to arrange your Proposal Navigator® system capability demonstration. 2016 pricing is $25,000 annual subscription (unlimited use) per proposal center site.

The Proposal Team's Mission

Synthesize and package the capture team’s vision into a compliant, convincing and compelling offering whose selection can be successfully defended ... without breaking the pursuit budget “bank”...

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